Texas Holdem Option

The Classic version is slightly modified from the original script.

New deck of cards are easier to see. Changed layout a bit.

Other than that, everything else is original.

The Monster Version is my attempt to add a little spice to a typical Texas Holdem Poker game. Instead of playing for money, you will be playing for Life. Example: You don't "Bust". You are "Defeated"

The Monster Version ALSO does NOT use a standard deck of cards. Yes, Ace to King is used, but there are NO suits. Instead, colours are used as suits. Example: Instead of "Hearts", the "King of Hearts" might be a Blue "K". The "King of Spades" might be a Green "K". I've done this to try to make things a little more challenging.

The author of the original version of this game (called "Classic Version" here) decided a rewrite was in order. This version (I call "Version 2") is quite nice. Give it a try.

You can download it here.

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