This is not the same Battleship you played as a child. Instead of an 8 x 8 grid in the original game, this one is 18 x 18. Instead of finding 5 ships, you now have 11. If you have never played before: You need to sink ALL the Computer's Ships before the computer sinks ALL yours. Each ship has either 2, 3, 4, or 5 places to hit in order to sink it. The larger the ship, the more places you need to hit it. (look at the ships in your fleet) Click on a square in the grid under "COMPUTER'S FLEET". If you hit, a red dot will appear. Miss - a white splash. The computer will then take its turn, then it's your turn again. All ships are either up and down or side to side. Not diagonal.
Original script: Jason Hotchkiss ( Web Site: This script and many more are available free online at The JavaScript Source!! The original script was heavily modified to what you see here by Dave's Games. (I hope you like it)